


Working in the tech sector is at the very heart of Purplefish. This is where we started ten years ago, and it is as much of our make up now as it was then.

Over the years, we have been lucky enough to work with some of the most inspiring, innovative and forward-thinking tech businesses, helping them to grow and realise their potential. As a team of forward-thinkers, we are inspired by those innovating our day to day lives and we are fascinated by the future of this thriving sector.

We’ve been there at the start up stage for many of our clients, putting them in the limelight for recognition and growth and we’ve worked with larger tech businesses to help them grow further and attract the right talent.

Whether you are at the very beginning of your tech business journey, ready to launch a tech start-up or wanting to build your established tech company, we have the experience to deliver the right communications solution for your business. We have the know-how to help you overcome the challenges tech businesses face and help you flourish in an ever changing and competitive sector.

Public relations

Social media

Content creation

Start-up support

Employee brand development

Website design